2025년에는 무엇이 필요한가요?
아래 상자들을 선택하여 2025년에 REAL ID 준비가 되었는지 확인하십시오. 이 정보는 당신의 브라우저 또는 어디에도 저장되지 않습니다.
당신의 나이는 몇 살입니까?
어떤 신분증을 가지고 계신가요?
비행기로 정기적으로 여행하시거나 앞으로 여행하실 계획이 있습니까?
모든 신분증(ID) 서류의 만료일을 확인하시고, 필요하시면 2025년 5월 7일 전에 갱신하세요.
Itʼs up to you what type of ID will work best. A passport allows you to fly within the U.S. and around the world, while an Enhanced Driverʼs License (EDL) or Enhanced ID (EID) allows you to fly around the U.S. and travel by land and sea into bordering countries. Discover your options.
Not planning to fly? Not to worry, your standard driverʼs license or ID card will work for other U.S. travel like driving in Washington or across state lines or riding a train.
Your standard driver’s license or ID card will work for other U.S. travel like driving in Washington or across state lines or riding a train. In July 2018, ID cards began featuring a marking that reads “federal limits apply.” Markings do not indicate citizenship or immigration status. So, if you decide to fly, you’ll need additional ID. Discover your options